Device compatibility details for 'HP-iPaq 5550'
The shown users have confirmed that this device is supported by SiDiary.
SiDiary user
Jan Gruber from Wien/Österreich
SiDiary for Pocket PC
Per Norby Møller from Norway
SiDiary for Pocket PC
B.A.S. Lubbers from Torun (Polen)
SiDiary for Pocket PC
Udo Lauersdorf from 58119 Hagen
SiDiary for Pocket PC
Das Programm lässt sich teilweise nicht wieder starten/aktivieren, kann dann aber über einen Task-Manager in den Vordergrund geholt werden.
Norbert Bazin from Stuttgart
SiDiary for Pocket PC
Programm is working with the following execptions: Activating a running instance isn't possible sometimes, it then has to be activated with a task manager.
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